Nous contacter Tél. : 03 20 64 11 26  
Contact us Tel: +33 (0)3 20 64 11 26  



The Duo Willems, Duo Arras and Duo Sud sites are facilities specifically set up for processing and re-purposing IBCs. We have an overall processing capacity of 150,000 washed IBCs per year and 65,000 reconstructed IBCs per year.


We recover and process containers with capacities of between 600 and 1000 litres. Your packaging is categorised, the overall condition is checked and residues weighed.

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We promote procedures that are most suited to their re-purposing.

  • Re-use after washing
  • Reconstruction: assembling a new plastic container in a refurbished cage (Standard or UN certified)
  • Re-purposing materials: shredding and granulating plastic


We provide a wide range of IBCs (plastic containers) from the most widely-represented types on the market:

  • 600 to 1000 litre IBCs
  • All brands (SCHUTZ / MAUSER / WERIT / GREIF etc.)
  • All types (plastic, metal, wood or metal & plastic)
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In addition to our range of IBCs, we provide accessories including:

  • Top plugs (diameter 150 or 225mm) with or without bungs and with or without lids with degazing
  • Sealing caps
  • Pouring spouts